Saturday, July 16, 2011

FINALLY A NEW POST!!!Xploders gun review i got june 27th

The xploders Xranger 2000 is just plain old awesome.It shoots very far(About 100 feet)
Its very comfy,but its kinda slow.You have to pull a orange little nub back(Very easy to pull)on the side of the gun.Then at the bottom you pull a black power arm far back then release,then repeat.Ive had it for a while now,so im very fast with doing that and can launch 1 xploderz ammo in like 1 second.It has some awesome sights,a sturdy body and stock,Bipod,and a nice handle.Also its ammo capiacity is 75 rounds!Its a very good sniper and is pretty accurate.This weapon has a slow rate of fire for beginners ,however faster rate of fire with more experienced users.This gun has amazing range,75 rounds of ammo, and its lightweight(Forgot to mention that)
This gun is a medium fire rate long range lightweight gun with good accuracy.
I give this awesome blaster a 10/10!

This blaster is from maya group